You can export PO/SO/GRN/ASN/PTN/Invoices (Purchase Orders / SalesOrder / Goods Receipt Notifications / Advanced Shipping Notices / Package Tracking Numbers / Invoices) data as an Excel file that you can download for use outside of OneSCM. By default, there is a 20,000 record limit within the Excel download. Requests for extracts of more than 20,000 records will require Engineering to increase the limit for the client.
NOTE: This procedure is also applicable for (SalesOrder / Goods Receipt Notifications / Advanced Shipping Notices / Package Tracking Numbers / Invoices).
- Logon to OneSCM
- Click Purchase Orders on the Menu bar.
The PurchaseOrders landing page opens with the PO Master List as the default view.
- Click the Export button
- Click Save to export the PO Data to your computer or network
- Click the downloaded Excel file to view the records in a spreadsheet format
NOTE: If more than 20,000 records are required, escalate the ticket to Engineering and request that the limit be increased for this client.
Note: You can limit the number of results by using the filters - which can be customized using the "customize" button.
Priyanka Bhotika