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Download PO/SO/GRN/ASN/PTN/Invoices Data Report


You can export PO/SO/GRN/ASN/PTN/Invoices (Purchase Orders / SalesOrder / Goods Receipt Notifications / Advanced Shipping Notices / Package Tracking Numbers / Invoices) data as an Excel file that you can download for use outside of OneSCM. By default, there is a 20,000 record limit within the Excel download. Requests for extracts of more than 20,000 records will require Engineering to increase the limit for the client.



NOTE: This procedure is also applicable for (SalesOrder / Goods Receipt Notifications / Advanced Shipping Notices / Package Tracking Numbers / Invoices).

  1. Logon to OneSCM 

  2. Click Purchase Orders on the Menu bar.


The PurchaseOrders landing page opens with the PO Master List as the default view.

  1. Click the Export button

  2. Click Save to export the PO Data to your computer or network

  3. Click the downloaded Excel file to view the records in a spreadsheet format
    NOTE: If more than 20,000 records are required, escalate the ticket to Engineering and request that the limit be increased for this client.


Note: You can limit the number of results by using the filters - which can be customized using the "customize" button.



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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
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